Council Member Jose Huizar and His Woody for Online Voting is Like a Bad Date Turned Stalker

DONE Watch–Jose! The Neighborhood Council’s broke up with you and your online-voting.  Let it go.  It’s becoming embarrassing.

  • The City Council Voted to suspend it
  • The NC’s weighed in hating it
  • The City Clerk gave it the boot.

What exactly is your obsession with it?

On 5/22/18 Huizar quietly introduced a motion to fund online voting … again.  This time pulling from the City Budget as a reallocation requesting the re-authorization of funds.  The language is a little sketchy because it references 2017/2018 fiscal year but then 2018/2019.  Why it needs re-authorization is the bigger question.

The motion specifically looks like it is covering up more of DONE’s dirty deeds. Based on CPRA documents received by DONE Watch, DONE was invoiced over $325,000 over the course of a year by Everybody Counts … for?  A build-out of an online platform!

It appears those dollars were spent while online voting was halted!  Naughty, naughty Grayce …

So why exactly is Huizar attempting to re-authorize those funds?  The build-out was completed and was an abysmal failure and he wants to throw another 348K at it at taxpayer expense?

By way of background, after the disastrous results in the 2016 election, Paul Krekorian had had enough and made a motion to suspend online-voting.  No build outs, no fixes no nothing.  That, unfortunately, did not deter Grayce from concocting ways to try to advance her undemocratic agenda. We suspect that staff hires were withheld and the cash was banked for the build out.  The motion looks like a cover of those dirty deeds because NO ONE including the City Clerk ever wants to see online voting again (sans a handful of Liu loyalists).  Can we say Audit, Ron Galperin?

Attempts to communicate with Huizar’s staff on the stupidity of the motion were forwarded to us.  Joella Hopkins, a former event planner in the Historic Core is now the new Area director replacing Ari Simon and Sara Hernandez (the CD 14 revolving staff door is legendary).  The deer in the headlight responses from Ms. Hopkins is indicative of someone in way over their head.  Ms. Hopkins really needed a week to be told how bad this would look for her boss?

So Jose, if this is your thank you to Grayce for tossing the Skid Row NC Election back to DLANC for you, you should probably be more secretive about it.  People are paying attention.

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