Who is DONE Watch

DONE Watch was founded by Laura Velkei in 2018 with the sole goal of casting sunlight on the corruption that is being perpetrated by the management team at DONE.

DONE Watch has been instrumental in giving voice and tactics to Neighborhood Council Leadership in dealing with the incompetence of DONE Staff and the slimy conduct by Management.

All stories are thoroughly researched and documented.

The stories written by DONE Watch come from both former and current Board Members. The stories and shenanigans have shown to be consistent across the board throughout the City, ie; Brown Act Violations, Bylaws Violations, Gaming the system, Stealing, taking no action to stop aggression by Board Members, Over stepping authority and complete failure to understand the law and their own process just to name a few.

Reports of retaliation or fear of same has prompted DONE Watch to aggressively protect its sources. Should you wish to write about the conduct of DONE or issues you have experienced, you will have cover, but DOCUMENT EVERYTHING.

If you have a story, we want to hear from you.

Email us at wearedonewatch@gmail.com with your story and supporting documentation. Please also tell us whether you wish to use your name or not. If not, the story will be a DONE Watch Staff piece.

Team DONE Watch