Mayor Snubs Budget Advocates Yet Again

JUST SAYIN’–The Budget Advocates were advised this week that Mayor Garcetti is too busy to attend the annual Budget Day.

This is the day that new and returning budget advocates and representatives from around the city get together to discuss the city budget, services, and next year’s budget work for the BA Committee. Advising the Mayor on the budget is one of the requests made in the City Charter of Neighborhood Councils.

When the Mayor released his budget, the hard-working BA volunteers were not invited into the room to hear his pitch either.

Now, the Mayor is yet again too busy to pop in and say thanks to those hard-working advocates whose job it is to oversee city services and budgeting per the city charter.

This Mayor claims to be the Mayor of the people, but lately, it seems that “The People” are in IOWA and other potential national voting states.

Maybe if the Budget Advocates were Homeless, he would pay attention! Come to think of it, some of the Neighborhood Council participants are homeless. Doesn’t seem incentive enough to get LA’s mayor to interrupt his presidential campaign for a few minutes with the people.

Just saying …

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