UPDATE: 50+ Neighborhood Council Leaders ask the Mayor for a Seat at the Table

DONE WATCH-On May 28, the following letter was submitted via email to the Mayor and City Council by over 40 Neighborhood Council Leaders throughout the City of Los Angeles by colleague Jack Humphreville.

From: Jack Humphreville


Date: May 28, 2019 at 5:45:30 AM PDT
To: Mayor & City Council
Subject: Citizens’ Selection Committee / DONE GM

Mayor Eric Garcetti and Members of the Los Angeles City Council,

Attached (and copied below) is a letter to you from Neighborhood Council Stakeholders requesting the formation of a Citizens’ Selection Committee to assist in the appointment of a new General Manager for the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment.

There are no bcc’s associated with this email.  However, this letter will be circulated to NC stakeholders and other interested parties.

We look forward to working with you in this important matter.



City of Los Angeles

Honorable Mayor Eric Garcetti

Honorable Members of the Los Angeles City Council

Los Angeles City Hall

200 N. Spring Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

May 27, 2019

Re: DONE General Manager

Dear Mayor Garcetti and City Council:

The undersigned, comprised of former and current Neighborhood Council Leaders as well as Community Leaders throughout the City of Los Angeles, request your consideration of this proposal to strengthen our citywide system of neighborhood councils.

Article IX of the City Charter establishes a framework for creating an operating Plan, a Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (“DONE”) to assist and arrange support, a Board of Neighborhood Commissioners to set policy, and a General Manager (“GM”) to oversee the Department; all on behalf of the councils themselves, now 99 in number.

With the recent announcement of the departure of DONE’s GM, we see this transition as a unique opportunity to adopt the lessons learned and to recruit and appoint a leader for DONE who will bring new focus and effectiveness to managing its day-to-day operations.

We believe it is imperative that people who know and understand the system best –neighborhood council members themselves– be part of the candidate selection process. We ask you impanel a Citizens Committee similar in structure and intent as prescribed by the Los Angeles Administrative Code, § 23.145.2, and assemble a team of knowledgeable citizens to help guide the process and make recommendations to promote the best possible outcome.

DONE’s “mission” has both formally and informally evolved over time, as have various understandings of what truly falls within the Department’s purview. Presently, there is not a concise mission statement for the Department, or a job description outlining the GM’s responsibilities. Without these, or a nuanced understanding of how DONE’s operations directly affect its constituency, identifying the qualities and skill sets needed for someone to succeed in this role will continue to be challenging.

As such, and while no means exhaustive in approach, we would like to suggest a potential path for the formation of a Citizen’s Selection Committee:

  • The Committee could be comprised of up to eleven (11) people made up of Mayoral and City Council Appointments which should include a majority of present or former NC board members with at least four (4) years of operational experience
  • Candidate searches would be open to the public to invite and give equal weight to applicants from outside the Department and City Family
  • During the search process, we respectfully request that a former or current NC member be selected as an Interim GM.

Allowing NC leaders, present or past, to participate in the selection process of the Department’s leader will benefit the system, the individual councils, and most importantly, the stakeholders they represent.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this request.


# Community Leader   NC   Role  


1 Ryan Altoon   Greater Toluca Lake NC   Board Member, President   2009-2019, 2011-2019
2 Liz Amsden   Historic Highland Park   Board Member, Chair Budget Advocates   2014-2018, 2015-Present
3 Jill Banks Barad   Sherman Oaks NC   President *   Present
4 Elvina Beck   Central Hollywood NC   President   2016-Present *
5 Patti Berman   DLANC   President   2006-Present
6 Daniel Bernstein   Hollywood Hills West NC   Chair of Founding Committee & Charter Reform, President   1997-2002, 2002-2004
7 Barbara Broide   Westside NC   Board Member & Land Use Co-Chair   2005-Present *
8 Sandy Brown   Westwood NC   Vice President   2014-Present
9 Tony Butka   GPNC   President   2005-Present
10 Heather Carson   Silver Lake NC   Board Member, Co-Chair   2014-2019, 2015-2016 *
11 Lisa Chapman   Westwood NC   President   2010-Present
12 Eliot Cohen   Encino NC   Board Member, Chair Land Use, President Homeowners Encino   2012 to Present, 2016 to Present
13 Linda Demmers   Los Feliz NC   President, Vice President, Treasurer   2012-2016, 2011-2012, 2017-2018
14 Hydee Feldstein   P.I.C.O. NC   Vice President & Co-Chair Land Use   2016-Present
15 Terrance Gomes   LANCC, SORONC   Chair/Treasurer/Board Member   2005-Present
16 Lydia Grant   Sunland-Tujunga NC   Vice President   2010-Present
17 Jamie Hall   Bel Air-Beverly Crest NC   Board Member   2013-Present *
18 Jay Handal   West LA NC   Treasurer   2010-Present
19 James Hornick   Westlake South NC   President   2016-2019
20 Jack Humphreville   Greater Wilshire NC, DWP Rate Payer Advocate Chair   Board Member    
21 Betsy Isroelit   Silver Lake NC   Secretary   2016-2019
22 Terry Jackson   Silver Lake NC   Treasurer   2016-2019
23 General Jeff   DLANC/Skid Row NC Formation Committee   Vice President & Communication Chair   2008-2014, 2014-Present
24 Anne-Marie Johnson   Silver Lake NC   Co-Chair   2001-2019 *
25 Scott Johnson   LA 32 NC   Secretary   2010-2016
26 Brad S. Kane   P.I.C.O. NC   Board Member, President   2014-Present, 2015-Present *
27 Jamie Keeton   West LA Sawtelle NC   President    
28 William Kuzmin   Public Rights Advocate   CD12 Stakeholder   1983-Present
29 Peter Laskey   Northridge West NC   President *    
30 Bob Lisauskas   Silver Lake NC   Board Member   2015-2019
31 Margarita Lopez   MacArthur Park NC   Board Member, President   2003-Present, 2014-2019 *
32 Rachael Rose Luckey   Rampart Village NC   Chair Land Use    
33 Anastasia Mann   Hollywood Hills West NC   Board member, President   2003-Present, 2004-Present *
34 Katherine McNenny   Skid Row NC Formation Committee   Founding Member   2016-Present
35 Ron Migdal   West Los Angeles NC   Board Member    
36 Lydia Moreno   Historic Cultural NC   Treasurer   2014 – 2018
37 Gayl Murphy   Central Hollywood NC   Board Member, PLUM Co-Chair, Outreach Chair   2014-2019
38 Eric Nakamura   West LA South NC   Vice President    
39 Carol Newman   Lake Balboa NC   Secretary   2015-Present
40 Scott Plante   Silver Lake NC   Co-Chair   2015-2019
41 Janis Purins   Silver Lake NC   Board Member   2017-2019
42 Stephen Resnick   Westwood NC   Secretary   2010-Present
43 Danielle Sandovol   Harbor City & San Pedro NC   President   2014-Present
44 Lisa Sarkin   Studio City NC   President, VP, Secretary, Land Use Chair, Govt Affairs CM   2016, 2010-2016, 2007-2010, 2007-2016, 2006-2018 *
45 George Skarpelos   Hollywood United NC   Board Member, President   2015-Present, 2018 Present *
46 Faalaniga Nina Smith   Olympic Park NC   Board Member    
47 Susan Swan   Hollywood United NC   Founding Member, President   2003-2018, 2016-2018
48 Terri Tippit   Westside NC   Co Founder & Chair   Present *
49 Nadine Trujillo   Silver Lake NC   Board Member   2011-2014
50 Diane Valencia   Sylmar NC   Board Member, VP of Administration, Public Safety Chair, Bylaws Chair   2012-2014/2017-2019, 2014-2017, 2017-2019, 2016-2019 *
51 Laura Velkei   Historic Cultural NC   3rd VP, Communications, Chair, Land Use & Bylaws   2014-2018
52 Allyson Vought   Central San Pedro   Land Use & Transportation Chair   2010-2017
53 John Walker   Studio City NC   President   2012-2016 *

For all signatories above, titles and roles have been placed for identification purposes only – the opinions expressed here are those of the individual signatory and do not necessarily reflect the views of any NC.  This is only a /partial list. (List Updates include additions and/or corrections as of  7/22/19 and are  identified with an *)

Today we are on the precipice of making profound changes for our neighborhoods, and we could not be more excited about the possibilities. 

This letter was written with the future in mind.  As leaders and stakeholders in the NC system, with a wide open path before us, we can see a place where we have the opportunity to focus on our stakeholders, to be engaged in solving real problems, and to receive welcomed support from a Department rooted in Board Service.

If you are interested in boarding the ship with us, please send an email to wearedonewatch@gmail.com. Place PLEASE ADD ME TO THE LETTER in the subject line.


FULL NAME: First Last 

NAME OF:  Neighborhood Council (PAST or PRESENT)

TITLE: President, Sec, Board Member, Land Use… (Include years with the title)

TERM: Year began, year ended. If Current use present for year ended/I.e.; 2014-Present

We are here to make a difference.

And we are fired up and ready to go.