DONE’s LIU Claims NC Electees are Official at the Moment of Final Vote Count

DONE WATCH – As we reported last week, Grayce Liu is on the way out, but frankly, she needs to go, and needs to go NOW.

Liu continues to wreak havoc on the system, tearing down established norms and protocols starting with the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council as reported by the Los Feliz Ledger.

Liu doubled down on a verdict handed down to the SLNC by Semee Park when complaints were filed over Park’s edict. Liu sent out the following “clarification”:

“People think ‘seated’ means at the board meeting sitting down and we have had to interpret it as once the election results have been certified,” Liu wrote. Any formal “swearing in” typically performed at a new council’s first meeting, is purely ceremonial. (Liu in EmpowerLA Email)

This “new policy” is news to pretty much everyone. So much for the peaceful transition of power, a practice that is followed in every legislative body in the country…except for DONE. Liu is quoted as saying that this was done to prevent outgoing board members from making changes and spending money. Changes to what? Why wouldn’t the old board finish off business for their properly elected 2- or 4-year term on matters they oversaw? Is Liu suggesting that prior board members shorten their term? Apparently.

Common sense and past best practices would dictate that since all of the NCs have a Fiscal year end of June 30, the new Board would get seated and become official at the first board meeting of the new fiscal year. The in-between time is called board member-elect.

This insanity must end!