DONE Fails Yet Another Leadership Test

By Guest Writer Jay Handal

DONE WATCH—The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE) has announced the cancelation of Neighborhood Council online voting.

After more than a year of debating the issue at City Council and its related subcommittees … and after getting final approval to move forward with 10 test councils …  and after disrupting the voting cycles of the 10 guinea pig councils … DONE has determined they cannot pull it off and have advised those 10 councils that they will NOT have online voting.

Now, in keeping with the dysfunctional decision making at DONE, those 10 councils have been advised that their elections will no longer be held at the end of the election cycle, but rather, they are being placed back in their regional schedule.

Downtown Neighborhood Council, for example, was scheduled to vote the end of June. NOW, their candidate filing begins in 2 weeks, leaving them NO time to have their election committee pull together a credible election.

This all goes to questionable leadership and questionable personal motives, which should now be re-evaluated … and probably canceled.

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